1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 |
import numpy import numpy as np from numba import jit from A_star import A_star from PIL import Image import time # 把大矩阵切分成小矩阵 # jit 修饰可要可不要,jit只是为了加快程序运行速度,最好加上 @jit def piecemeal_matrix(matrix): length = [0, len(matrix[0]) - 1] width = [0, len(matrix) - 1] for i in range(1, len(matrix) - 1): for j in range(1, len(matrix[i]) - 1): if not matrix[i][j] and not matrix[i + 1][j] and matrix[i - 1][j] or not matrix[i][j] and not matrix[i - 1][j] and matrix[i + 1][j]: if i not in width: width.append(i) if not matrix[i][j] and not matrix[i][j + 1] and matrix[i][j - 1] or not matrix[i][j] and not matrix[i][j - 1] and matrix[i][j + 1]: if j not in length: length.append(j) length.sort() width.sort() return [length, width] # 找到转换过后的 values def find_values(matrix, x, y, start_point, end_point): changed_matrix = [] for i in range(len(x[:-1])): temp_bool = [] for j in range(len(y[:-1])): ii = (x[i] + x[i + 1]) // 2 jj = (y[j] + y[j + 1]) // 2 temp_bool.append(matrix[ii][jj]) changed_matrix.append(temp_bool) changed_start_point = [0, 0] for i in range(len(x) - 1): if x[i] <= start_point[0] < x[i + 1]: changed_start_point[0] = i break for i in range(len(y) - 1): if y[i] <= start_point[1] < y[i + 1]: changed_start_point[1] = i break changed_end_point = [0, 0] for i in range(len(x) - 1): if x[i] <= end_point[0] < x[i + 1]: changed_end_point[0] = i break for i in range(len(y) - 1): if y[i] <= end_point[1] < y[i + 1]: changed_end_point[1] = i break return [changed_matrix, changed_start_point, changed_end_point] # 转换成实际线路 def find_road(road, x, y, start_point, end_point): for i in range(len(road)): road[i][0] = (x[road[i][0]] + x[road[i][0] + 1]) // 2 road[i][1] = (y[road[i][1]] + y[road[i][1] + 1]) // 2 road.insert(0, end_point) road.append(start_point) road = supply_road(road) return road # 把 road 点补充成线 def supply_road(road): length = len(road) for i in range(length - 1): k = road[i + 1][0] - road[i][0] for j in range(0, k + 1 if k > 0 else k - 1, 1 if k > 0 else -1): road.append([road[i][0] + j, road[i][1]]) k = road[i + 1][1] - road[i][1] for j in range(0, k + 1 if k > 0 else k - 1, 1 if k > 0 else -1): road.append([road[i + 1][0], road[i][1] + j]) return road def piecemeal_A_star(file_location): image = Image.open(file_location) # 如果本来就是黑白图片可以省去下列这条代码 matrix = np.array(image.convert("1")) start_point = [3, 3] end_point = [110, 110] [y, x] = piecemeal_matrix(matrix) [changed_matrix, changed_start_point, changed_end_point] = find_values(matrix, x, y, start_point, end_point) # Image.fromarray(numpy.array(changed_matrix)).save("maze_changed.png") Road = A_star(matrix=changed_matrix).run(start_point=changed_start_point, end_point=changed_end_point) Road = find_road(Road, x, y, start_point, end_point) if Road else [] _matrix = np.ones(len(matrix[0]) * len(matrix) * 3).reshape(len(matrix), len(matrix[0]), 3) for x in range(len(matrix)): for y in range(len(matrix[x])): if [x, y] in Road: _matrix[x][y] = [255, 0, 0] elif not matrix[x][y]: _matrix[x][y] = [0, 0, 0] else: _matrix[x][y] = [255, 255, 255] # Image.fromarray(np.uint8(_matrix)).save("maze_road.png") if __name__ == "__main__": begin_time = time.time() piecemeal_A_star("blackwhite.bmp") print(time.time()-begin_time) |
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import numpy as np from math import sqrt from PIL import Image import time class A_star: def __init__(self, matrix, weights=1, corner_amend=1, step=float("inf"), way=["R", "L", "D", "U", "RU", "RD", "LU", "LD"], wall=0): self.matrix = matrix self.weights = weights self.corner_amend = corner_amend self.matrix_length = len(self.matrix[0]) self.matrix_width = len(self.matrix) self.step = step self.way = way self.wall = wall self.field = np.array(np.copy(self.matrix), dtype=float) for i in range(self.matrix_width): for j in range(self.matrix_length): if self.field[i][j] == self.wall: self.field[i][j] = float("inf") def run(self, start_point, end_point): self.fieldpointers = np.array(np.copy(self.matrix), dtype=str) self.start_point = start_point self.end_point = end_point if int(self.matrix[self.start_point[0]][self.start_point[1]]) == self.wall or int(self.matrix[self.end_point[0]][self.end_point[1]] == self.wall): exit("start or end is wall") self.fieldpointers[self.start_point[0]][self.start_point[1]] = "S" self.fieldpointers[self.end_point[0]][self.end_point[1]] = "G" return self.a_star() def a_star(self): setopen = [self.start_point] setopencosts = [0] setopenheuristics = [float("inf")] setclosed = [] setclosedcosts = [] movementdirections = self.way while self.end_point not in setopen and self.step: self.step -= 1 total_costs = list(np.array(setopencosts) + self.weights * np.array(setopenheuristics)) temp = np.min(total_costs) ii = total_costs.index(temp) if setopen[ii] != self.start_point and self.corner_amend == 1: new_ii = self.Path_optimization(temp, ii, setopen, setopencosts, setopenheuristics) ii = new_ii [costs, heuristics, posinds] = self.findFValue(setopen[ii], setopencosts[ii]) setclosed = setclosed + [setopen[ii]] setclosedcosts = setclosedcosts + [setopencosts[ii]] setopen.pop(ii) setopencosts.pop(ii) setopenheuristics.pop(ii) for jj in range(len(posinds)): if float("Inf") != costs[jj]: if not posinds[jj] in setclosed + setopen: self.fieldpointers[posinds[jj][0]][posinds[jj][1]] = movementdirections[jj] setopen = setopen + [posinds[jj]] setopencosts = setopencosts + [costs[jj]] setopenheuristics = setopenheuristics + [heuristics[jj]] elif posinds[jj] in setopen: position = setopen.index(posinds[jj]) if setopencosts[position] > costs[jj]: setopencosts[position] = costs[jj] setopenheuristics[position] = heuristics[jj] self.fieldpointers[setopen[position][0]][setopen[position][1]] = movementdirections[jj] else: position = setclosed.index(posinds[jj]) if setclosedcosts[position] > costs[jj]: setclosedcosts[position] = costs[jj] self.fieldpointers[setclosed[position][0]][setclosed[position][1]] = movementdirections[jj] if not setopen: exit("Can't") if self.end_point in setopen: rod = self.findWayBack(self.end_point) return rod else: exit("Can't") def Path_optimization(self, temp, ii, setOpen, setOpenCosts, setOpenHeuristics): [row, col] = setOpen[ii] _temp = self.fieldpointers[row][col] if "L" in _temp: col -= 1 elif "R" in _temp: col += 1 if "U" in _temp: row -= 1 elif "D" in _temp: row += 1 if [row, col] == self.start_point: new_ii = ii else: _temp = self.fieldpointers[row][col] [row2, col2] = [row, col] if "L" in _temp: col2 += self.matrix_width elif "R" in _temp: col2 -= self.matrix_width if "U" in _temp: row2 += 1 elif "D" in _temp: row2 -= 1 if 0 <= row2 <= self.matrix_width and 0 <= col2 <= self.matrix_length: new_ii = ii else: if self.fieldpointers[setOpen[ii][0]][setOpen[ii][1]] == self.fieldpointers[row][col]: new_ii = ii elif [row2, col2] in setOpen: untext_ii = setOpen.index([row2, col2]) now_cost = setOpenCosts[untext_ii] + self.weights * setOpenHeuristics[untext_ii] if temp == now_cost: new_ii = untext_ii else: new_ii = ii else: new_ii = ii return new_ii def findFValue(self, currentpos, costsofar): cost = [] heuristic = [] posinds = [] for way in self.way: if "D" in way: x = currentpos[0] - 1 elif "U" in way: x = currentpos[0] + 1 else: x = currentpos[0] if "R" in way: y = currentpos[1] - 1 elif "L" in way: y = currentpos[1] + 1 else: y = currentpos[1] if 0 <= y <= self.matrix_length - 1 and 0 <= x <= self.matrix_width - 1: posinds.append([x, y]) heuristic.append(sqrt((self.end_point[1] - y) ** 2 + (self.end_point[0] - x) ** 2)) cost.append(costsofar + self.field[x][y]) else: posinds.append([0, 0]) heuristic.append(float("inf")) cost.append(float("inf")) return [cost, heuristic, posinds] def findWayBack(self, goal): road = [goal] [x, y] = goal while self.fieldpointers[x][y] != "S": temp = self.fieldpointers[x][y] if "L" in temp: y -= 1 if "R" in temp: y += 1 if "U" in temp: x -= 1 if "D" in temp: x += 1 road.append([x, y]) return road if __name__ == "__main__": begintime = time.time() image = Image.open("blackwhite.bmp") # 如果本来就是黑白图片可以省去下列这条代码 matrix = np.array(image.convert("1")) start_point = [3, 3] end_point = [110, 110] Road = A_star(matrix=matrix).run(start_point, end_point) # for i in Road: # image.putpixel((i[1], i[0]), (255, 0, 0)) # image.save("maze_reference.png") print(time.time()-begintime) |