Timus #1207



Problem analysis English version:

  • Find minimum x in points.
  • Store atan2 which is theta between minimum x and origin and the index of each point.
  • Use bubble sort to sort atan2 result.
  • Output the index of minimum x and the number in the middle of the series.

代码说明:个人写了冒泡排序,没用c++ sort 和结构体,相对来说代码可读性较差,可以对此进行改进

Timus #1155


1. 要有解则A + C + F + H = B + D + E + G
2. 进入循环直至每个点为0
3. 找到最小的位置。如果这个最小的位置旁边3个点都为0,则找到另外一个有数的点,再找这两点分别相邻的相邻的点加1。如果这个最小的位置旁边3个领点有数字,则找一个有数字的点进行相减。(听上去会有点绕)

  • Firstly, if it possible it will satisfy the equation A + C + F + H = B + D + E + G.
  • Secondly, go into loop, if every position is 0 quit the loop.
  • Thirdly, find the maximum position to decrease/increase. If this maximum position doesn’t have adjacent position to decrease, than find another position with value (not 0), increase 1 to two adjacent position adjacent to the maximum position and another position. Else decrease 1 to maximum position and the position adjacent to it.

Timus #2025



Problem Analysis English version: We can easily notice from math calculations that the more average of each group, the bigger number we will get.

Timus #1401



Title Analysis English version: We can using iteration to solve problems. From the start position, starting to binary cut the matrix into four pieces until every sub-matrix is 2*2.  I will mark the start position and the other three positions in the middle which has different quadrants besides the quadrant the start position in.

Python matrix 3种解矩阵方程方法


  1. 高斯消元 O(n3)
  1. 简单迭代 O(k*n2)
  1. 高斯迭代基本思路和简单迭代差不多 O(k*n2)

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