Timus #1155


1. 要有解则A + C + F + H = B + D + E + G
2. 进入循环直至每个点为0
3. 找到最小的位置。如果这个最小的位置旁边3个点都为0,则找到另外一个有数的点,再找这两点分别相邻的相邻的点加1。如果这个最小的位置旁边3个领点有数字,则找一个有数字的点进行相减。(听上去会有点绕)

  • Firstly, if it possible it will satisfy the equation A + C + F + H = B + D + E + G.
  • Secondly, go into loop, if every position is 0 quit the loop.
  • Thirdly, find the maximum position to decrease/increase. If this maximum position doesn’t have adjacent position to decrease, than find another position with value (not 0), increase 1 to two adjacent position adjacent to the maximum position and another position. Else decrease 1 to maximum position and the position adjacent to it.

Timus #2025



Problem Analysis English version: We can easily notice from math calculations that the more average of each group, the bigger number we will get.

Timus #1401



Title Analysis English version: We can using iteration to solve problems. From the start position, starting to binary cut the matrix into four pieces until every sub-matrix is 2*2.  I will mark the start position and the other three positions in the middle which has different quadrants besides the quadrant the start position in.

Timus #1005



因为本人不会/没写过动态规划,该代码实为CSDN上的代码,本人做法为全排列,算法复杂度太高,runtime error。

Timus #1296


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